Pour nous envoyer vos réponses, 2 techniques principales :
Tout d’abord, il vous faut télécharger/download le fichier correspondant à la grille de mots croisés ou à l’image qui devra comporter vos réponses et l’enregistrer sur votre ordinateur/tablette ou autre équipement informatique.
Ensuite, vous avez 2 possibilités principales :
1. Vous imprimez ces grilles ou images, les complétez manuellement, les prenez en photo ou les scannez et vous nous les renvoyez par mail à contact@by-the-way.fr en indiquant en objet « CONTEST » et dans le corps du message le nom et prénom de l’adhérent qui a participé.
2. Vous modifiez ces images dans un logiciel de dessin type « PAINT » ou autre en faisant un clic droit sur l’image puis en choisissant « OUVRIR AVEC » et en choisissant dans la liste proposée le logiciel qui vous va bien.
Ensuite, vous pourrez MODIFIER directement le fichier image dans ce logiciel, vous l’enregistrez bien et vous nous le renvoyez de la même façon par mail à contact@by-the-way.fr en indiquant en objet « CONTEST » et dans le corps du message le nom et prénom de l’adhérent qui a participé.
Each day, from Monday to Friday, you can try to solve a new crossword/challenge in English.
Please, send us your answers before April the 26th and you will get a reward thanks to DEPARTEMENT 13 !
Le Département 13 est notre partenaire principal pour récompenser les participants de nos différents concours.
Chaque jour, du lundi au vendredi, essayez de résoudre un nouveau défi en anglais pour réviser/approfondir un des thèmes étudiés pendant l’année. Envoyez-nous vos réponses avant le 26 Avril et obtenez une récompense grâce aux dons du Département 13, notre partenaire principal !
Chaque participant sera récompensé – plus il y aura de bonnes réponses, plus il y aura de cadeaux !
In English traditional grammar, a phrasal verb is the combination of two or three words from different grammatical categories — a verb and a particle, such as an adverb or a preposition — to form a single semantic unit on a lexical or syntactic level… (Wikipedia)
Ex. Let’s write a horoscope for today. In this case, we will look up for some horoscopes online.
WEEK2 : Appearance word opposites drawing games
Choose one of the lines below and draw both sides until your partner can guess what youare drawing. If they can’t guess you can show them the list below, but don’t say anything.
a big nose/ a large nose – a little nose/ a small nose
a curved nose/ a hooked nose – a straight nose
a flat stomach – a bulging stomach/ a beer belly
FINALLY, let’s speak about Present Continuous. Even though Present Continuous is a present tense, it can allude to the future.
I am seeing Martha in town tomorrow.
We use the present continuous tense for definite future arrangements. Often, it doesn’t really matter if we choose ‘be going to’ or the present continuous. In the following example, there is really very little difference in meaning:
I‘m going to the cinema tonight.
I‘m going to go to the cinema tonight.
We use the present simple tense in two cases. First, we use it for a timetabled event in the future, like public transport or the start of a class:
My train leaves at six tonight.
His class starts at 9am tomorrow.
Second, we use it after certain words, when the sentence has a future meaning. These words are: before / after / as soon as / until / when:
I’ll call you when I get home.
She’s going to study after she finishes dinner.
Please drink some water as soon as you complete the race.
Reading practice: read each sentence and decide who said it, the mother or the kittens? Then perform the play!
WEEK2 – in person : Winter time
– Song, Questions, ‘Leader’ activity
– Warm-up: which word doesn’t fit? (and why?)
o Boots, scarf, sunglasses
o T-shirt, shorts, coat
– Present new verb: « To Wear » (in present)
– Write: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter on the board
o In pairs (each pair is assigned one season): DRAW or WRITE clothes we wear in spring, summer, autumn, winter (1 point for a drawing, 2 points for a word, 3 points for a complete sentence)
– Vocabulary games
Winter vocab review
Happy new year! Listening practice: « Kids Share Adorable New Year’s Resolutions » : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3687xlRNOdI– Exercises for the video (attached)- What’s your resolution for 2021? Write a sentence and draw a picture.
– Relative clauses with « that », « which », « who », « where »
– Taboo game using relative clauses
WEEK2 : American / British culture
– Quiz book. Choose a quiz topic and do the quiz together.
– Create a quiz about your home!
– Check quiz questions for correct question construction.
WEEK1 : Warm-up: Show drawing of a groundhog and discuss
« Groundhog Day » and French and American cultural difference.
Questions format: Question word – Auxiliary – Subject – Verb
Game: « One minute challenge »: write topics on the board. Throw a paper ball at the board to choose a topic. In groups, speak for one minute about the topic. Each group member should ask one follow-up question (using the correct question word and structure).
Discussion: what are the similarities and differences between the American teenager’s routine and yours? Are there any aspects of American life that you prefer? Is there anything in the video that you find weird or funny? Basketball review game.
WEEK3 : What do you really know about the USA?
Warm-up: Name the country represented by each flag.
Introduce « English-speaking countries » video project.
Learn some names and flags of English-speaking countries.
« Concentration » review game for country names and a few bonus categories.
L’activité principale de l’association est l'organisation d'activités ludiques en langue anglaise ayant pour but de favoriser au maximum la compréhension et la pratique de l'oral.